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Propelling to Greatness

2nd place at the Aramco F1 in Schools 2023 World Finals

What is F1 in Schools?

F1 in Schools is one of the largest STEM competitions for students around the world aged from 9 - 19. 

Students develop teams and employ CAD/CAM skills to design and manufacture miniature F1 cars, which utilise a CO2 canister to propel itself down a 20m track. 

Additionally, teams will produce a trade display to present the team at the competitions, social medias, a website, project management, graphic designs, portfolios, collaborations with businesses, and raise funds through sponsorship for any costs in the competition.

Teams will first start competing in regional competitions, moving onto states, nationals, and finally world finals competitions.

2023 Singapore World Finals

2nd Place and Best Engineered Car

Who Are We?

Team Propulsion consists of six students aged 16-17 from Charles Campbell College, who are inquisitive about a variety of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) related topics.


Participating in the F1 in schools competition allows our team to gain knowledge, which can bring us a step closer to reaching our future career aspirations. This knowledge includes - engineering, teamwork, marketing, project management, collaboration, innovation and more!

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Kunal Seth

Car Engineer

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Noah Pelentsov

Team Manager


Hoorad Nejad

Sponsorship Manager


AJ Mills

Social Media Manager


Juliana Buerano

Pit Display Engineer


Samuels Ebivara

Graphic Designer

Team History

Team Propulsion was created in 2022, competing our first competition under the name "Propulsion" at the 2022 Australian National Finals. Though many members of our teams have participated in the competition since back in 2019, under our past team known as "Team Dextro."

We recently placed second in the 2022 Australia National Finals, which has placed us in a position to represent Australia in the 2023 World Finals competition in Singapore.

2022 Professional Nationals
2nd place

- Best Engineered Car
- Best Engineering CAD
- Best Graphic Design
- Best Innovation

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2021 Professional States
1st place

- Best Engineered Car
- Best Manufactured Car
- Best Engineering CAD
- Best Team Portfolio
- Best Industry Collaboration
- Best Graphic Design
- Best Reaction Time

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2021 Development Nationals 3rd place

- Best Engineered Car
- Best Team Portfolio

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2020 Development States
1st place

- Best Graphic Design
- Best Trade Display
- Best Marketing
- Best Verbal Presentation
- Best Industry Collaboration
- Best Innovation
- Best Team Portfolio

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2019 Cadet States
1st place

- Best Poster 
- Best Engineered Car
- Fastest Lap Time

Our Biggest Supporters

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Our Goals


Our team will ensure that we make a difference in sustainability for the better. This will involve social, environmental and economic sustainability within our team and the community.


Our team will ensure that we implement all of our design skills and processes to produce the most innovative designs for our car and pit-display. 


Our team will put ourselves out into the community by collaborating with many businesses and individuals who can aid our progress, and work with communities to make the world a better place.

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